Upon arrival, carefully remove all paper surrounding your leaves and cut out of the plastic baggie holding the dirt in and replace any dirt that has fallen out of the bag. Water, if needed, and acclimate your plant to the light. Your plant has been on a long journey in the hands of people who do not care about it as we do, so it may need a day or two to perk back up. However, if you have any issues with your order at all or your package arrives damaged, please message me and let me know so we can start working towards a resolution right away.

Syngonium podophyllum ‘Mini Pixie’ is a dwarf version of the Syngonium Pixie Butterfly plant or Arrowhead Plant and is a member of the Araceae family. Syngonium ‘Candy’ is a dwarf variety as well, but not a super dwarf like the pixie and will grow larger. Syngoniums are toxic to furry pets, but there are mixed opinions from the plant community on their toxicity to reptiles. This is a full potted and rooted live plant. Not a cutting. This is not a baby plant, but a true dwarf/super dwarf arrowhead plant that will stay small. They do spread wider over time as new shoots come out of the rhizome, but they will not get much taller.
Semi-tropical plant that is perfect for fairy gardens, terrariums and vivariums, doll houses, miniworlds, miniature scenes or just a really cute house plant for tiny spaces, such as dorm rooms, apartments or small shelves for desks.
Syngonium Care
Dwarf Syngoniums are cared for in the same manner as the larger version, however you may have to water them slightly more often because smaller pots will make the plant dry out faster. Water by soaking the soil then allowing the soil to dry slightly before watering again. Do not let these dry an inch down, like some other household plants. Only allow the very top to dry slightly and keep the bottom consistently moist. If leaves start dying rapidly, increase your watering. Fertilize once or twice a month all year.
Syngoniums want bright indirect sunlight and could be burned if they are left out in direct sun. This is a semi-tropical plant that can be outside until temperatures dip below 60 degrees F. Plants like to be somewhat rootbound, however these plants will also spread, growing new rhizomes. Increase the size of your pot as the plant spreads, or divide to keep the patch small and increase the number of plants you have. Just make sure you have both some root and rhizome on all parts, breaking up at places that look like a natural spot to divide, to give the greatest chance of success.
Another way to propagate is to take leaf cuttings at the bottom of the stem where there is a growth node. Clip under the node with a sterile knife or blade and then plant in soil that is kept moist or water propagated.
When leaves die, do NOT remove the whole stem until it has completely died. These are top heading plants. When leaves die, wait to remove the stem until it dies all the way to the bottom. New leaves come out of the old stems, so if the new leaf has not come out yet, clipping the stem too early will cause thinning.
Remember: No care guide is going to be perfect for every situation. Plants in rainy Seattle will have different needs than plants in hot and dry New Mexico. We recommend that all customers read their care guide thoroughly, follow the instructions, listen to what your plant is telling you about what it needs and adjust accordingly.