Hello to everyone and welcome to our new blog! Over the last couple of years, we have gotten a lot of questions about our plants, their care, and how they grow and work. We love answering everyone’s questions and are happy to do whatever we can to help you keep your plants growing healthy and strong for many years to come.
However, as a small family business with five kids in virtual school during a global pandemic, there are times that I worry that I am not able to adequately answer everyone’s questions when we are too busy. Many of you know me from messages about plant care, and know that I am constantly running and trying to get pictures and information to you all while caring for the kids and keeping up with their school and getting everyone’s orders out quickly and safely.
Because of the constant rush, we have decided to start a blog where we can give you more information that may not be included in your care guide, and link those posts to the care guides for each of the individual plants and also provide you the appropriate links when you ask a question that we have already answered. This will allow us to provide you with the most information possible, with pictures and illustrations even when I am in a time crunch and you need help. We will also update those pages to add more relevant information to each topic, so be sure to check back from time to time to make sure there is not more information that would be helpful to you.
In addition to the answers to the questions that we are asked most frequently, when there is time, we will also be posting information about the plants and how they grow and function, ideas for fairy gardens, terrariums and bogs and information on how we care for our plants here and how we run our tiny nursery. We will also be announcing new plants and products, as well as contests & giveaways, tips & tricks, and other updates.
We hope you will enjoy the things that you read and see here and look forward to the end of the pandemic when we will have more time to spend talking to our customers and learning from you as we share our knowledge.